Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Everywhere is Space

"Three Flying Stones"     Ink, pen and wash      2013

Contrary to appearances, this is not a blog solely about Zen gardens, even if they are a handy way to get deeply into the meatier aspects of space. This blog is about my own personal and artistic explorations into the nature and make-up of space.

Deforestation in Guatamala  (Photo courtesy of Wikipedia)

Even though I am currently involved in working on a project with the Zen Garden - (more precisely, Dry Landscape Garden or Karesansui in Japanese) in truth, space exists everywhere. Everywhere IS space. 

"Last Goodbye"    Photo R Allen-Sherwood 2013

There is a much non-ground to cover here......
Lets begin.

"Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion."

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Three Wheel's Garden Poem - The End

"The Gathering"   Ink, wash, pen and pencil   2013
You can make of the garden
what you will.

But it may, perhaps,
make something of you,
which you were not,

"Spirit Rock"   Ink, wash, pen   2013

if you wait
and are still;

"X-ray Vision"  Chalk, ink    2013

 if you become one
with the garden
and move beyond thought
or imagination,

"Reflections Through a Mirror, Lightly"  Ink, wash, pen  2013

 and are,

as the garden


"The Universe (After Sengai)"  Ink   2013

"Three Wheels Garden"
by John White

"Grasshopper"    Photo R Allen-Sherwood 2013

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

White Poetry Under Blue Skies

"A Rock's-Eye View"         Photo R Allen-Sherwood 2013

Professor John White's poem continues:

Things are
what they seem
and are not
what they seem

and neither is true
or untrue
"Two Out of Five"   Ink, wash, pen, graphite and pencil   2013
There are islands
and forests
and mountains
and vast grey seas,
if you see it so.

There are peaks
above rolling blankets
of grey cloud,
Mount Sumeru
and Mount Hiei,
if you see it so.

And there is yourself.

"Mother and Child"   Charcoal  2013

If you see it so,
there are twelve small rocks
of no consequence
from Cumbria
and Aberdeenshire,
from screes
and spoil heaps
and riverbeds.

(To be continued)

"Shape shifter Rock"   Ink, wash, graphite and pencil   2012 

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Zen Garden - In the beginning

"Triad Stones"    Ink and wash  2013

"Pine Tree Island"  Ink and wash  2012

This is the beginning of a quiet poem written expressly about this Zen garden space in London, by the man who designed it, Prof John White, CBE

Here in the garden
do not ask who made it,

or why, or when.

the garden is
and you are.


(To be continued)