Work in progress, detail 2013 |
I've been reading Bernard Tschumi's essay entitled,
'Questions of Space.' Although it is aimed mainly at architects and building designers, his words speak deeply to me too, in my quest to understand what space is all about. Here are some examples:
"Untitled" (site specific installation) Graphite powder, pencil & stone 2013 |
1.1 Is space a material thing, does it have boundaries?
1.11 If space has boundaries, is there another space outside those boundaries?
"Untitled" Ink, pencil, graphite & pen 2013 |
1.12 If space does not have boundaries, do things then extend infinitely?
Work in progress (digital image) 2013 |
1.13 As every finite extent of space is infinitely divisible (since every space can contain smaller spaces), can an infinite collection of spaces then form a finite space?
(B. Tsuchumi 'Questions of Space' / Architectural Association Publications )