Saturday, 21 December 2013

Webding Holiday Greetings

The original words were meant to say: "Have A Very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year." But then, my computer decided different....

And it was right.

Happy holidays everybody.
See you next year!

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Quiet Thoughts in Tandem

Clarity    Ink, wash & pen  2013
I am a great admirer of the painter Agnes Martin . Her quiet paintings and spare words speak volumes. The following is an excerpt from "Writings"- a  rare series of essays written in the sixties.

"The ocean is deathless
The islands rise and die
Quietly come, quietly go
A silent swaying breath
I wish the idea of time would drain out of my cells 
and leave me quiet even on this shore".  A Martin

The further I look into Space, the farther away I move from the madding crowd.....

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Silence # 2

Untitled    Ink, wash & pen  2013
It's not necessary to continually fill our air, ear or eye-space with noise. Real space is found in the pauses between words. Or, in the quietness between thoughts......

just look for it.  

Friday, 6 December 2013

4-Squared Space

Four-squared Space   charcoal  2013

Abstract painter Sean Scully once said: "A representational painter wants to show the things in the picture. With an abstract painting, what in a sense you're trying to do, is make everything happen at once."

Those words make perfect sense to me. Especially in terms of what's been going on with my work with the Three Wheels Zen garden space.

Like Scully, I'm trying to show 'everything at once', as well as what it means to me.

A whole universe contained within a 4-squared space.