Saturday, 26 September 2015

Deconstructing Space

"Deconstructing Space:  Ku"        Sumi ink, watercolour on paper  2015
I've been practicing with the Japanese word 'KU' (space) over the past 2 years, using ink and calligraphy brushes but never really comfortable with any of the results -not even when they were perceived as "good" by others....  I always wanted to find a way to express KU in  my own original voice. A way of expression that is truer to who/what I am.. Well, I think I'm finally getting close. (It's only taken a decade.).

This is a work-in-progress, part of a series I've just started to develop. If you are interested in seeing more, please check out my facebook artist page where I will post works as they evolve.

As always, thank you for visiting & see you next time!.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Vertical Space Dance

     "There is no up or down. just space and substance".  
Wanda Moretti  Il Posto founder & Choreographer

Il Posto is a vertical dancing troupe from Italy who are all about creating fluid flowing bodily movements whilst dangling several hundred feet in space.

In a recent interview,  Il Posto founder and choreographer Wanda Moretti talks about the beauty of emptiness and how important it is to her dancers. She described it as: "The suspension in the few seconds of a leap, a moment of freedom in which the legs also become the arms".
The surreal visual imagery is mesmerising, if slightly disorienting. Makes me wonder whether the phrase 'wall legs' should be added to existing 'sea & land legs' in the English language? You decide, I'm too dizzy.