Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Moh-shuh n

Hip-hop Chronicles: Locking / New York            R Allen-Sherwood 2015

Motion: the action or process of moving or being moved. 
 These images are from a continuing work-in-progress-series that began in 2010 when I encountered my first live break-dancing and I've been an avid fan ever since..

    motion is

Hip-hop Chronicles: Osaka Sync 2            R Allen-Sherwood 2015

For me, freestyle breaking can express powerfully raw and pure forms of movement. Especially when b-boys and b-girls are battling to protect their reputations or turf. That choreographed stuff you see on TV completely misses the mark.
  motion is  
    body English
    full swing

Hip-hop Chronicles: #1           R Allen-Sherwood 2010
That's the first drawing of a breakdancer made in my sketchbook on  Nov 2010.  I wanted to say there's a big difference between this drawing and the more recent works shown in this post....but now I see that there really isn't.....

Oddly, I find that quite encouraging..

Monday, 16 November 2015

Advance New Year Resolution

From "The Hiphop Chronicles" series - my current work in progress. Nov 2015
In light of what has happened in Paris with the recent terroist attacks and all that it implies, I have made a firm decision on how to live out the remainder of my life as an artist (and human being). The commitment is this: To carry on fearlessly in faith and hope - no matter what happens.

If I give in to fear, they win.

In this battle for my life, let my art help me to communicate the joy of living; a continuing hope in the future & may I also continue to learn how to love and never give up on my fellow humankind. (No matter how deluded some of them appear to be) (Self included.)

Well, that's my new year resolution taken care of then.

Stay safe in your spaces.