Monday, 16 May 2016

Presence & Absence

"Adam" (detail)               RAllen-Sherwood 2016
Some say absence makes the heart grow fonder. But perhaps it was written by a hopelessly romantic soul.

I've been away due to some unforeseen circumstances beyond my control.....but thankfully things are slowly getting sorted. Thus, I am grateful (and relieved!) to be back in the studio again.
Hands, detail
As a warming up exercise to stretch my creative muscles, I attended a life drawing class run by a close friend. These posted images are from that day. I wanted to document and share them because it's not often I find such strong statements of presence and absence in my work. And from life drawing, of all things!

"Adam 4"  ink & brush        RAllen-Sherwood 2016
My guardian deities of Form & Emptiness sit deep at the core of my being, quietly awaiting my next mark.

Art keeps me real.