Saturday, 29 April 2017

Dark Matter

"To Infinity & Beyond"         R.Allen-Sherwood  2017
This is not my usual style of art. Unusual work for unusual times. I have been making a series of small postcard sized collage/drawings as a way to cope with what's going on in the world. Maybe it could be called art therapy, I don't know. But it seems to help defuse some of this almighty rage I feel inside.

"How to be sure of Heaven"      R Allen-Sherwood 2017   
Rage is not my usual state of being. I don't like feeling helpless, hence the anger. Especially with the threat of a possible nuclear war looming over our heads. Perhaps this what now pushes me with a sense of urgency to " GET OUT THERE AND DO SOMETHING!"....even if it's a small something. And so I am making these art pieces from the depth of my soul. And I've recently created a new Facebook page Floodlights that I'd like to make into a collection of stories that inspire and give hope. These are some of the ways in which I am trying to tackle those dark clouds out there......

To all my friends be well, stay safe and don't be afraid. (As I run away screaming and pulling out my hair) See you next time.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Incantations, Tea & Biscuits

INORI (Prayer) from nobumichi asai on Vimeo.

Inori means prayer in Japanese. Produced and created by Nobumichi Asai, the concept behind this video is roughly about magical prayers overcoming the destructive nature of radioactive forces. The dancers showcasing this remarkable piece of high speed Face/Motion Mapping are the popular vogueing duo known as AYABAMBI. (You might have noticed them in Madonna's tour videos last year)

Face/Motion Mapping can be incredible to look at, but takes considerable effort to realise. It took three months to make this one minute and ten second second video clip. But oh, what a result.

With an increasingly unstable world around us, themes like these resonate with the viewer. Dark though the theme may be, it also offers us a way out of suffering ; incantations, incantations, incantations.

My personal magic potion is a strong cup of Earl Grey tea with biscuits. Works every time!