"To Infinity & Beyond" R.Allen-Sherwood 2017 |
This is not my usual style of art. Unusual work for unusual times. I have been making a series of small postcard sized collage/drawings as a way to cope with what's going on in the world. Maybe it could be called art therapy, I don't know. But it seems to help defuse some of this almighty rage I feel inside.
"How to be sure of Heaven" R Allen-Sherwood 2017 |
Rage is not my usual state of being. I don't like feeling helpless, hence the anger. Especially with the threat of a possible nuclear war looming over our heads. Perhaps this what now pushes me with a sense of urgency to " GET OUT THERE AND DO SOMETHING!"....even if it's a small something. And so I am making these art pieces from the depth of my soul. And I've recently created a new Facebook page Floodlights that I'd like to make into a collection of stories that inspire and give hope. These are some of the ways in which I am trying to tackle those dark clouds out there......
To all my friends be well, stay safe and don't be afraid. (As I run away screaming and pulling out my hair) See you next time.