Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Blogger Bug Blip *

Hello out there,

hope you are all keeping well and staying safe in these unusual COVID-19 times.

Looks like we are not the only ones battling bugs. BLOGGER is having some technical issues of their own. This particular system bug takes out images or photographs from blog posts in a random erratic way. This has been happening to many bloggers, not just me. Google said they are aware of the issue and are working on it. This means we must be patient and wait it out until the problem is fixed.

Just wanted to let you know what was happening so you understand that all these sudden big holes in my posts are not happening because I've suddenly lost my mind....   It sure is annoying though!

Thanks for visiting and take good care of yourselves until we meet again.


*Lockdown Challenge: Try saying the title of this post really fast five times. 

Thursday, 16 April 2020

The Architect

Transitional Spaces; Carpark #1        R. Allen-Sherwood 2020  

The way one does things is private, but what one does can belong to everybody. Your greatest worth is in the area where you can claim no ownership, and the part that you do that doesn't belong to you is the most precious. It is the kind of thing you can offer because it is a better part of you; it is a part of general commonality that belongs to everybody.You feel that what you truly have to offer is in your next work, and that what you have done is always incomplete. I believe that even a great composer like Bach, who did everything as though it belonged to everyone else, died thinking he did nothing, because a person is greater than his works. He must continue.

Transitional Spaces; Carpark #2        R. Allen-Sherwood 2020

I believe it takes a long time to be an architect; it takes a long time to be an architect of one's aspirations. You can become an architect professionally overnight. But to feel the spirit of architecture from which one makes his offering takes much longer.

Transitional Spaces; Carpark #3      R. Allen-Sherwood 2020

And where does the architect sit? He sits right there;he is the one who conveys the beauty of spaces, which is the very meaning of architecture. Think of meaningful space and you invent an environment, and it can be your invention. Therein lies the architect.

Louis Kahn
Between Silence and Light